Hi kids 🐐!
If it seems like we haven’t posted here in a while, you would be correct. It’s been a month and four days to be exact. As a consequence the story about our wonderful trip with the spawns has remained unfinished. I intend to rectify this in short order!
Since our return from that January trip, we have been mighty busy. Cate has been painting like mad and my winery job description keeps expanding as well. The last three weekends in May had us hosting three film crews for 3 separate projects; one for Solo Stove, one for German news agency Weltspiegel, and lastly a crew filming a documentary about our life with Frankie Rae!

So here we are on the road again, this time followed by a small film crew. We are making a loop around the West to visit some new places and revisit some old favorites. You can follow our travels through our tracker map which you can find here…..
and as always, the insta and Fb accounts are current as reception permits.
In the meantime, I will be finishing up the blog from our last adventure, and boy did it get exciting. Stay tuned friends!
next up… Spawns gonna be iron like lion in Zion!