We are humbled and thankful for the newest coverage we have recieved from People Magazine, Yahoo, and the Dodo! The

How to Camp Across America for $50
Travel has often been thought a luxury- an experience only the folks with high paying professions or retirees can enjoy.
Start spreading the news!
Hey Friends! We have been fortunate enough to get some excellent press lately, including Cate’s article in Trailer Life! If

Christmas and a Goat in the Camper 2017
Go Big or Go Home….that’s how we roll! So when Mountain Modern Life approached us to participate in Christmas in

10 Devilish Places To Visit This Halloween
Dying for a Halloween roadtrip? Grab your broom because here’s a look at 10 far from hellish places named after

Granting us passage
So we finally made it…our week at Mount Shasta was filled with concerns about the smoke that made Southern Oregon

Shasta la Vista, Baby
When we rolled into Shasta City, the place we had planned to boondock had recently changed to “Day Use Only”

Miners & Cowboys
When last we left you we were crawling through Labor Day Monday traffic going over Donner Pass. The plan was

goin to California…
We arrived in the Tahoe/Truckee area with plenty of daylight to spare. Our first choice for a campsite was along

Spurning the Burning…
The Sawtooth Mountains filled the rearview mirror, it was time for the long trek to Truckee. Considering the fact that

Ketchum if you can!
It seems like the blink of an eye that we spent in Ketchum/ Sun Valley, Idaho. Here we are high

A-park-eclipse Now!
In the immortal words of Johnny Cash “I’m goin’ to Jackson, look out Jackson town!” Catching you up to speed,

Not Salt Lick City, goat…I said Salt LAKE City!
Get it? A goat joke? Okay, so we roared through the rolling hills and through the foothills of the Wasatch

We do all our own Stuntz at Dinosaur!
We hit the road from Rocky Mountain National Park down US40 towards Dinosaur, Colorado. Up we went to the thriving

Rainy days and Mondays always get me….working on the blog!
Hi friends, we just wanted to let you know on this cold, rainy, and windy Rocky Mountain day that we

Let’s be Frank(ie)
….a few questions and a few pictures about traveling with a goat. First off the answer is “no its not

The little engine that could… the little couple that would.
Following up on our previous post, we caught the wonderful sunrise at Flagler, pulled up stakes, and struck out for

Sweeping down the plain….
A wonderful week of visiting family and preparing the camper for it’s return visit to the West coast. A large

The Journey Continues! With a Goat!
Welcome back dear Odyssey readers! Our planned 45 day return to the Asheville stretched on a lot longer than i

Wrapping Things Up and Looking Towards the Future
We’ve been back in Asheville now six weeks, and we’ve already accomplished a ton of things. The main priority on

From a Shell of an Airstream, to a Traveling Adventure Home!
It was only a year ago that renovation of our 76′ AS Argosy went into full force. Everything on the

Top 13 Free Camping Spots in North America for the Thrifty Traveler
Everyone wants to travel but not everyone can afford it. A campground with full hook-ups can cost anywhere from $25-$50/night

♫ And although I know it’s a long road back, I promise you… I’ll be home for christmas ♫
After our wonderful reunion with the Oklahoma side of the family which included a solid butt kicking in mini

Chasing Tumbleweeds
As Christmas approached, and our date with the family neared, we were Oklahoma bound. Soon Colorado Springs was in the

Got a nice write up by Outside Interests today….
Click below to read!

Between the Oohs and Awes
So here we sit in Elk City Lake Park, the last campsite of the odyssey, drinking coffee and looking both

Colo Spgs
We reluctantly pulled away from Salida in the direction of Colorado Springs. Our route took us back through Howard and

Saliding into home base…
Salida. Cruising into town doesn’t seem like much. 2 stoplights (I hear one is new) and a string of chains,

"Yea though I walk through the valley of pot and aliens, I will fear no Jabba…"
Recapping, we fled Durango on the last day before they locked up the gate on our road for the season

New press page
We have made three lists in the last month or so, with another story pending. You can find the links

Giving thanks and dodging bullets outside Durango
We settled TrayTray up on Madden Peak Rd among the remnants of the last snowfall. Our site was 20 miles

From the Desert to the Mountains
After leaving Grand Junction, we went south and stopped at the ranger station in Montrose to ask for advice on

Aint life Grand… At the Junction!
After waking up with little sleep from the trailer-buffeting winds and limping to town on our flat tire we unceremoniously

Ahhh Moab. I like to call you Mobe (like boat…who says bo-at?). Gorgeous town in the floor of the canyon.

Something a bit different…
Hi from the Desert. This blog update is not a place-centric post. All the time we spend observing the landscape

Capitol Reef
Capitol Reef is in the waterpocket fold in Utah. it is a beautiful park, in a non-standard National Park way.

Bryce Canyon (and Red Canyon)
Zion was phenomenal! But soon it was time to move on, and as promised, here is the video of Angus’

Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation…a stone.
It was a short 60ish miles to Zion from our campsite outside Overton. We traversed I-15 through some spectacular

Las Vegas and the Valley of Fire
Las Vegas… What can one say about Las Vegas. If you are not a gambler, an aspiring bride or groom,
Moving Pictures
Just got a you tube channel, no stopping the videos now!

highs and lows… Mount Whitney to Death Valley
When we left on Wednesday, the goal was to make it to the post office in Furnace Creek, D.V. So

The Alabama Hills
With Mono Lake fading in the rear view window, Our sites were set on Death Valley. We planned a quick

Escape from Yosemite!
How can you complain about being “stuck” in Yosemite? Ya can’t… But you can be eager to leave. We had

Well we made it… High on my list and almost the top, if not the top of Cate’s bucket list.

From Red Fox to Terror on the Open Road!
We set out for San Fransisco on a fine sunny day and traveled down the 101s to old 101S ,

The redwoods
The Northern California coast, the Redwoods, the beaches… They all speak for themselves. I am going to let this blog

Helena and Bruce….Mystery Solved!
Ah the mystery of the two lost ipads! As you may recall, I found two ipads in the road in

Perpetually Astounded (pt.2)
Tuesday morning we woke up to the sound of sound of the traffic climbing the grade outside our camper. Truck

Perpetually Astounded (pt.1)
As I write this, I am lounging in Traytray on a crisp September night. The early hours of my birthday

Straight outta Squampton!
As promised, here is our entry since we left Seattle in our pursuit to “evaluate” the Canadian health care

What was I thinking…
I just HAD to see whistler…. No snow and probably won’t be back for years if ever! 😭😡😭

Goin’ down South, we’re goin’ down South.
We made a pilgrimage to our former home of Asheville, NC to witness the marriage of our dear friends

13,107 Miles is a long way!
Time to take a break! by the way, check out the new photo gallery page! Get just the eye candy without

Waterfalls, a gorgelet, and 2 iPads
Up in the Columbia River Gorge is a gorgelet (for lack of a better term) called Oneonta Gorge. Below you

Two Months: the mouse has left the building…
It seems our little stowaway noticed that I bought mouse traps sometime back towards Rainier… Haven’t heard a peep since.

Of Baths…
I thought this was an amusing conversation. Yesterday we searched out a natural hot springs that was within a few

Oregon part one!
We have been travelling through the Oregon since last Friday! As we left Washington, we had to wash the dust

Flattery will get you nowhere…. Whale except perhaps to Port Angeles
Since Argosyodyssey was last updated, much has transpired. So here I sit blogging our latest days. We have travelled from

Okay kids, today’s fun fact! According to Wikipedia Mt. Rainier is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the

Goodbye Idaho, Hello Rainier
Our last evening in Idaho was spent looking at a horrible hippie built property in Sand Point, and then taking

Hidden Lake, Crouching Meth-head
So our last full day in Montana was epic! Cate roused me from my precious slumber (not like that you

A month to the day…7k miles, 11 states, 2 provinces!
It has been one month to the day that we left home. What an exciting journey we have had so

Chirp Chirp Chirp
Well, the last two days have been fairly uneventful. Yesterday I did “store checks” for the first time. We went

Nothing new to report!
Except the new video page, starting with slo-mo dog….soon to be populated. And these couple of pics. do yourself a

Back to the Land of the free and the home of the crazy!
Upon leaving our lovely bluffside campground outside of Jasper, we headed brieffly back to Banff to pick up some mail

Of Jasper and Icefields and drones and fun!
Hello! We have been camping at a beautiful site just outside the National Park called Preachers point. The camper sits

Adieu Golden! Jasper via Icefield Parkway, here we come!
It’s time I was on my way. Thanks to you, I’m much obliged for such a pleasant stay. But now it’s

We have our first candidate, Golden, B.C.
Situated along the Banks of the Columbia River, below Kicking Horse Ski area, deep in the Canadian Rockies is Golden.

The ffauna of Banff
Everywhere you look around here you’ll see critters. So ffar we have seen, A herd of elka chipmunka black beara

We could get used to this!
For Cates birthday, (after the sunrise) we headed out to Lake louise. Unfortunately in high summer mid-day is packed so